Sunday, October 21, 2012

Halloween stories are uploaded now to Kindle.Got to be honest. "Madame DeVaney and the Grave Robbers" is my baby. I love this story. You'll find all my top influences in here: The Twilight Zone, M. Night Shyamalan and Stephen King. Set in 19th century New Orleans, two pairs of grave robbers set out to get rid of the competition. But they find more than they bargain for in Elysian Fields Cemetery.
You can purchase it here:

I'm also really proud of "Story Time." It's not real long, but it's got a great ending. We've all heard the sleepover stories -- the ghostly hitchhiker, for instance, or Bloody Mary--that everyone swears "really happened to the friend of my friend's cousin." But have you ever wondered if there's a grain of truth to these stories? This story explores that idea in chilling fashion and tells the back story of one of the most famous urban legends of all. If you've ever wondered how it all started, this story is for you.
You can purchase it here:

Michelle Vs. The Mannequins is a "one-off" kind of story, written for mainly kicks and giggles. I toyed with the idea of re-writing an old story about a ventriloquist dummy come to life, but it's too cliche. Instead, I picked something else that gives me the willies: mannequins. This one is short, sweet and terrifying. I dare you to take a trip to the mall after this one and not look over your shoulder.
You can purchase it here:

I've also published "That Black Cat: A Ghost Story. Inspired by a Mississippi tall tale, That Black Cat tells the story of George Mathis -- the meanest man in the world--and how he met his end. It's tamer in the scares department--probably your best story to read before turning off the light. But I really like the story and the writing in this one.

No Kindle? No problem. You can download the free Kindle reader for PC here:

Thanks for reading!